Monday, March 10, 2014

No Soda Challenge

For the past few years I’ve been doing “No Soda Challenges”. I realize how unhealthy my addiction is and I’m trying to stop. I don’t know if I’ll ever stop drinking soda for good, but I’ve gone eight months no soda, so I know I can conquer my demons.  Soda is my biggest guilty pleasure. Coca cola is my all-time favorite and I literally can’t get enough of it.
Usually I convince my boyfriend and his mom to join me so I won’t feel alone and so tempted. My boyfriend’s mom is just as addicted as me so it’s fun to see who can hold out the longest and to have our little check-ins/support group.
This time not only will I be cutting out soda I’m going to drink a lot more water, this won’t be too hard because I’m an extremist. If I’m not drinking soda I’m usually drinking water,  I don’t really like juice.
This time my challenge started at the end of February I was two weeks soda free, then this weekend I couldn't fight the urge and relapsed. SO, let’s try this again. I’m attempting to go March 10th  to October 10th (my birthday), NO SODA!
I’d love for you guys to join me. 
Good Luck! :)
Fun Facts:
  • Soda causes dehydration. 
  • The acid in soda weakens the enamel on your teeth.
  • Soda is loaded with calories and cutting it out of your diet may get you closer, quicker to your summer body goals!
  • Drinking lots of water improves your skin’s tone and texture.
  • Drinking water makes you happier! Research shows dehydration can cause a change in mood, staying hydrated remedies this and helps you think clearer


  1. You totally can do it!! I gave up dessert for Lent. It's so hard to fight the urge---but deep inside we both know that its what's best.

    KLP | SavingOurStrands

    1. Hey Girl! I'm glad being healthier isn't only a struggle for me! We have to hang in there and thanks sharing! :)
