Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Happy New Year | 2016

Happy New Year! We're nearly a week into the new year and I'm extremely excited for the beauty that will be 2016. I spent a large portion of 2015 impatiently waiting for things to happen, towards the end of last year I decided to create the life I want. I'm a firm believer in changing your mind and your life will follow.

Instead of focusing on the things that could or should be better,  I've been focusing on the thoughts and actions it takes to create those things.  It's not enough to want something or feel like you deserve something simply because you are you or you're a great person. There is an abundance of people in the world living complacent lives and feeling as if they want or deserve more. I decided I no longer want to be one of those people. I've opened my heart and mind to all the abundance that life has to offer.

My first step was job hunting like a mad women and not being afraid to ask for the pay and flexibility I wanted and deserve. Well now that that's checked off my list, on to my other major goals...

  • Continuing to eat clean and becoming fully Pescatarian (Right now I'm Pescatarian + Turkey:)
  • Decorating every space I occupy on a regular basis to be welcoming and relaxing - feng shui
  • Cleaning every night and before I leave my house so my home welcomes me back
  • Exercising at least 3 times a week, to start...this one will be tough for me at first
  • Saving - I have to get my shopping under control and depend less on the thrill of shopping, my goal is to always save more than I spend even with bills calculated in the money spent
  • My blog will be a major focus this year because writing has always been a major passion and this will be my investment in myself 
  • I'm in the process of deciding the next step in my education - Master's or Certificates in my career field
  • Most importantly mental health - this year I will breath, smile, cry, meditate, laugh, dance, sing, relax, and repeat
I look forward to this journey with you all and as always thank you for coming along.



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